Corporate Speaking Engagements

Corporate Series-Vastu Living for Health & Wellness

Providing your employees with better practices and habits in their living and working environments using Vastu will bring them to work with more positivity, productivity and ultimately profitability to your business.

I will speak about how the elements and directions can support their health and well-being at home and at work by understanding this powerful methodology and its influence on the human body and consciousness. Virtual or In person.

A free 30 minute consultation to discuss a customized plan for your business.

Corporate Series: Individual Employee Desk or Office Vastu Review

$225 per desk / $350 per office

A personal customized review of an employee’s desk or office space using Vastu principles to help them flow with the best energy available to them increasing harmony, productivity and positivity at work.

Corporate Series: Desk & Office Vastu

This lecture will support your employees with the proper alignment to Vastu principles that can make them feel positive, productive and peaceful while at their desk or in their office work environment.

I will explain how to set up spaces at work for success supporting the health and wellness of your employees which will ultimately lead to increased positivity, productivity and profitability for your business. Virtual or In person.

A free 30 minute consultation to discuss a customized plan for your business.

Corporate Series:
Vastu Health & Wellness Station

$500 for 10 employees

A Lady Vastu specialty! My Office Health & Wellness Station will be set up for your employees creating an atmosphere of support in the work environment from their employers. This will lead them to more positivity and productivity at work.
This station will include all elemental features that represent the Vastu principles : water, earth, fire, air and space.
Seasonal oils, crystals, salt rocks, feathers, potpourri, incense and tea are some of the specialty items incorporated into this Health & Wellness Station prepared using Vastu principles by Lady Vastu. Your employees will love it!

$25 more for each additional employee in a location.
$350 per location setup.

Corporate Series:
Vastu Customized Proposals Available

Lets collaborate! By combining one or more Vastu corporate series services or allowing me to create a unique health and wellness program for your employees opening up the pathways for more positivity, profitability and productivity.

Additional customized Lady Vastu offerings can be added to enhance this experience for your corporate atmosphere.

This is a free consultation.